Andor vs Endor – Minimising The Confusion

Andor is one of the grittiest Star Wars shows to date, where it explores the ‘darker side’ of the universe and shows just how terrifying the Empire could really be.

You may have been confused between the title of this show, and another planet in the Star Wars universe: Endor.

Here’s a brief article to break down the differences between these 2 names.

What’s the difference between Andor and Endor?

Andor refers to the last name of the Rebel, Cassian Andor, while Endor refers to the forest moon which is situated in the Outer Rim. Even though both of them sound very similar, they have no connections to each other whatsoever.

Here is a further breakdown of both of these names:

Cassian Andor

The Andor streaming series is named after Cassian Andor, who played a pivotal role in the Rebellion against the Empire.

After appearing in Rogue One, Cassian’s past is further explored in this series as we find out more about how the Rebellion was formed in its earliest stages.

Cassian was one of the more conflicted characters in Rogue One, where we saw him kill one of his fellow Rebels, and even attempted to murder Galen Erso.

In fact, the Andor series further highlighted the grey areas that the Rebellion operated in, and you can find out here if the Rebels were actually evil.

The planet Endor

Meanwhile, Endor is a forest moon that was featured as the main battleground in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Endor was chosen as a planet by the Galactic Empire to build a shield generator complex. This allowed the Empire to build Death Star II while it was protected as it orbited around the moon.

The Battle of Endor was a significant battle between the Empire and the Rebellion as it eventually led to the destruction of Death Star II and the fall of the Empire.

Endor is home to the Ewoks, a species of teddy-bear-like individuals that helped the Rebellion defeat the Empire.

Is Andor a planet in Star Wars?

Andor is not a planet as it refers to the last name of Cassian Jeron Andor, an operative of the Rebellion, and should not be confused with the forest moon Endor.


While both of these names sound similar, they are actually referring to 2 different subjects!

Unfortunately, Andor was one of the Rebels that were killed in Scarif, so he was unable to savour the victory on Endor that he had fought all his life for!

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