The Galactic Empire’s Stormtroopers are some of the most iconic soldiers in all of fiction, with their armor and penchant for conveniently missing shots fired at fleeing protagonists. What were the...
Posts by Ademilade Shodipe-Dosunmu
The iconic planet of Hoth was home to Echo Base, the short-lived hub of operations for the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the backdrop for the appropriately named Battle of Hoth, which saw the...
It is common knowledge among fans that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin hated Director Orson Krennic, being openly antagonistic to him in many interactions. Why did he hate Krennic, and what was the origin...
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin was one of the most powerful Imperial officers in the original Star Wars trilogy and beyond and commanded important military power and resources as a result. In canon, we...
In the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Director of the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research Orson Callan Krennic hurriedly goes to Fortress Vader on Mustafar to meet with the...
In the standalone Star Wars film Rogue One, we see Rebel Alliance operative Cassian Jeron Andor position himself to assassinate Imperial scientist Galen Walton Erso, despite his squad being deployed...