Source: Darth Vader 6 (2017) The canon has introduced several powerful Imperial Inquisitors. Once skilled Jedi who fell to the Dark side, they travel the galaxy with one goal in mind: hunt and...
Category: Star Wars
During the events of Star Wars: Force Unleashed, Darth Vader betrays Starkiller not once, but twice. On both occasions Darth Vader attempted to kill Starkiller, once by backstabbing him in...
At the end of the epic duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin in Episode III, Obi-Wan just leaves Anakin to burn, instead of saving him or killing him. Why did he do that? The biggest reason why...
Starkiller is a highly-regarded character amongst those who enjoy the non-canon side of Star Wars. His uncontrollable power displayed in both Star Wars: Force Unleashed and Star Wars: Force Unleashed...
Every time a lightsaber is dropped, it instantly shuts off. Why is that? Furthermore, why do lightsabers stay ignited when they’re thrown, but not dropped? Here’s what you need to know.
(Source: Wookieepedia) Star Wars has become a vast universe with thousands of characters, planets, species, and religions. Seeing distinctions between some of them is not the easiest job out...