Could Inquisitors Use The Force? (Explained)

The Inquisitors have featured heavily in recent Star Wars media, including appearances in the Fallen Order video game and the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. But who are they, and what are they capable of? 

These nefarious henchmen were certainly designed to come across as users of the dark side of the Force, but could they actually use it? 

Here’s what you need to know about the Inquisitors.

Who are the Inquisitors?

The Inquisitors can be considered to be a group of Jedi-hunters. They serve in an organisation known as the Inquisitorius, an organisation first properly introduced in Darth Vader #6 (2017). Here, Vader is brought into a confrontation with the Grand Inquisitor through Darth Sidious’ machinations. 

The Inquisitors largely consist of former Jedi trainees who have fallen to the dark side and are now loyal only to Darth Sidious and (after the events of issue 6) Vader.

Additionally, it is revealed by Ashoka Tano in Episode 10 of the second season of the Rebels animated series that the group also has a secondary objective; the abduction of Force-sensitive children to prevent any light side opposition to the Sith. It was also implied that this was another way to swell the ranks of the group.

Source: Wookieepedia

You can find out how strong the Inquisitors really were here.

Could the Inquisitors use the Force?

The Inquisitors were able to use the Force, as mentioned in Darth Vader #6, where Sidious described the group as “…slaves to the light side once, now awake. Hunters, one and all.” when he introduced them to Vader. This denoted that basically all the Inquisitors were formerly affiliated with the Jedi Order in some fashion. This includes Third Sister Reva, a prominent character in the live-action Obi-Wan Kenobi series. 

Notably, the Grand Inquisitor was formerly a Jedi Temple Guard. This means that he had attained the rank of Knight quite sometime before the events of the Clone Wars animated series, as we see him in this role in the 20th episode of the fifth season of the show. Moreover, it is shown in Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu #1 that the Tenth Brother once held the rank of Master, but became disillusioned with the Council and Windu specifically.

In addition to this foundational evidence, several of the Inquisitors are shown wielding the Force all across Star Wars media. Some of the more prominent examples include:

#1 Star Wars Rebels

Star Wars Rebels is an animated series that features the Inquisitors heavily as the protagonists of many situations the main characters find themselves in. Over the course of the series, we’ve seen the Inquisitors call upon the Force for a myriad number of uses. 

A stellar example is the pairing of the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister, who showed great Force powers in the series. Most notably, the two managed to hold back accelerating vehicles, carry large objects using the Force, and more. They are also clearly shown exhibiting the telltale agility, inhuman speed, and piercing insight that is usually only reserved for Force wielders.

#2 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a canon video game set in the post-Clone Wars era. In it, we see two inquisitors featured prominently; the Second and Ninth Sisters. Throughout the game, they can be seen wielding the Force in multiple battles against the player and in cinematic cutscenes. 

#3 Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order – Dark Temple

The Dark Temple comic book miniseries by Marvel was released as a prequel companion to the Fallen Order video game. In it, we see the Second Sister in action, making use of the force in several situations. 

#4 The Obi-Wan Kenobi Miniseries 

The Obi-wan Kenobi miniseries on Disney+ is the most recent canon project in the Star Wars, mythos, expanding on the lore in the period after Order 66. The Third Sister was a character made specifically for this series and features prominently in it. 

Throughout the series so far, we’ve seen her utilise the Force in many ways, including lifting and throwing objects, collapsing large instalments, and even probing into the minds of others. Additionally, the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth Brother are also shown to have Force abilities in the series when they use these against her.

Could the Inquisitors Use Force Lightning?

There is currently no evidence to show that any of the Inquisitors could utilise Force lightning. Force lightning is the manifestation of immense electrical power through the dark side of the force, and we see precious few force users utilise it in canon. Aside from the lack of evidence, there is also an interesting reason why it’s unlikely that any Inquisitor has this ability. 

You may be familiar with the Rule of Two, which was recently reintroduced to canon properly in Star Wars: The Secrets of the Sith reference volume. This is a mandate passed down through the Sith that prevents more than 2 Sith Lords from existing at any given time; a master and his apprentice. This is embodied in Sidious and Vader in canon and has interesting consequences. 

For instance, the rule of two is what led to Sidious betraying and killing his former master. It is also the reason that Maul, who was thought deceased, wasn’t welcomed back to the fold when he reemerged later on in continuity. Sidious had already trained a new Dark Lord in Vader, and there could only be two. 

As such, it was never even intended that the Inquisitors grow to become full-fledged Sith with dark side mastery. Instead, Sidious charged Vader with preparing them for combat against force users of varying levels of competence.

This included getting rid of the Jedi training that had been instilled in most of them, as it caused them to act defensively. 

Most of this training was brutal and focused more on vicious lightsaber onslaughts than any deeper connection to the Dark Side. As a result of this purposeful neglect, it is highly unlikely that any Inquisitor would have ever attained the level of power and mastery over the dark side of the Force needed to utilise this power. 

You can find out more about how Inquisitors differed from the Sith here.

It is worth noting that in Legends, those that held the rank of Sith Inquisitor (not to be confused with those in canon) could utilise this power to great effect in battle. 


So there you have it; everything you need to know about the Inquisitors and their Force powers in one easy read. The group is a truly interesting addition to the canon, and I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more of them around in upcoming Star Wars projects. 

Fingers crossed!

You can find out why Palpatine chose to use them in the first place here.

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