Could Jedi Use Force Lightning? (Explained)

Force-sensitive individuals have power beyond normal humans. They can influence the minds of others, levitate objects and enhance their abilities

Fans see these powers times and times again from the Jedi and the Sith alike. However, the Living Force is a much more complicated matter.

Many techniques are used to understand the Force and draw from its power. Some of such techniques draw a harsh line between the Jedi and the Sith teaching. 

This is where Force Lightning comes to mind. As the fans normally see this power used by the Sith, it is natural to assume that only Darksiders have access to it

Here’s where things get tricky…

Let’s look at the evidence together to settle once and for all: Is Force Lightning exclusive to the Sith?

Could Jedi Use Force Lightning?

What if I told you that even the Jedi could summon a powerful lightning bolt? Would you believe that?

If someone told me that Force Lightning was not exclusive to the Sith, I would probably raise my eyebrows higher than the tallest Coruscant skyscraper! 

For all that, even our beloved protagonists can wield this unruly storm…

What Is Force Lightning?

To better understand the place of Force Lightning in the Star Wars universe, you and I have to go back to its basis. 

It is a Force power that allows an individual to summon enough energy to turn it into electricity. Typically that individual turns out to be skilled with the Dark Side and extremely powerful. Darth Sidious is the best example. 

Credit to Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

Palpatine was not the only person who could wield such power amongst the Sith. It was also demonstrated by Darth Tyranus, Snoke, and even Rey (let’s just accept this fact and move on).

As for what this lighting could do, Daniel Wallace explained it better than anyone:

“Lightning: A weapon that calls forth electrical bolts from your fingertips. It is an embodiment of your wrath that can strike at the heart of your enemy. The lightning crawls across the skin and sends surges of pain through internal organs. Sustained exposure will roast flesh, calcify the skeleton, and stop the heart.”

From Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

It is also noted in the Legends material that Force Lightning is a part of the second school of the Force combatBody. It focuses on drawing power from the Living Force, and Lightning is only one such example. 

Credit to Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

The Jedi also draw power from the Living Force, some better than others!

This point brings me to a quick conclusion: The Jedi could tap into the Living Force just like any Sith, although they had to be relatively strong. 

Dooku and Yoda using Force Lighting

Darth Tyranus aka Count Dooku is a good example to start with.

Before becoming a Sith, Count Dooku was a powerful Jedi. Even before he opened himself to the Dark Side of the Force, he used Force Lighting on several occasions. 

The first time Count used it out of the blue was during a Force vision to destroy Presagers of Hakotei. The same thing he did to kill Shenda Mol on Numidian Prime. The former was very close to killing Qui-Gon Jinn when he was only Dooku’s Padawan.

Yoda was also not a stranger to the power of the lightning strike. He deflected it several times during his fight with Darth Sidious. However, he also used Force Lighting himself whilst in exile on Dagobah.

Master Plo Koon and Electric Judgment

There are alternative variations of Force Lighting coming directly from the Jedi teaching. 

Electric Judgment is also used to collect electricity and power from the Living Force. Practically, there is only one slight difference between Force Lighting and Electric Judgment.

The Jedi claim that in order to perfect Electric Judgment, a Jedi Master has to use their sense of justice and compassion. 

Translation: The Jedi had to come up with a different name not to copy the Sith.

Roses are red, violets are blue, and Force Lighting is forbidden no matter how you name it. 

However, it’s not like the Jedi never broke their own Code, especially during the war…

Several Jedi Masters used this Force technique, including Plo Koon and Jacen Solo

Jacen Solo did it before he became a Sith Lord!

Note: I hope I am not the only one to see the pattern: All people who used Force Lighting either were related to the Sith Lords or became them in the future. Yoda and Plo Koon are rare exceptions.

Luke Skywalker and Emerald Lightning

Emerald Lightning is just another name for Electric Judgment that I have already talked about. Since Luke Skywalker called it Electric Judgment, I will also stick with it. 

Luke used this power to save his family at the Shimrra’s Citadel. As the name of the palace suggests, there he was fighting against Shimrra Jamaane.

Unlike Darth Sidious’ Lighting, Luke’s was green (emerald).

On this note, the differences between Force Lighting and Emerald Lightning end.    

Alter Environment

Another Jedi power, Alter Environment, from the Legends and canon allows the Jedi to control nature. 

The Master who could alter the environment learned how to summon storms, powerful winds, and even lightning. Sounds familiar?

Fans saw this power used by the Father, the Daughter, and the Son when Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were stuck on Mortis.

Sadly, it is never explained why a Jedi is allowed to summon lighting but is prohibited from creating one. This is yet another secret of the Jedi Order.

For one, the Alter Environment ability seems to be even more dangerous!

Why Don’t the Jedi Use Force Lightning?

Many techniques popular amongst the Sith are restricted by the Jedi Code and the Jedi Council. Force Lightning is only one of them. The list can also include the Force Grip (Did anyone tell Anakin that?), Morichro, Force Insanity, and Deadly Sight.

It is only natural to wonder why such powerful tricks did not aid the Jedi during the war.

Are they that dangerous?

Source of the Force Lightning

The Jedi Code does not necessarily prohibit Force Lightning as a phenomenon. This prohibition deals more with the loss of control.

The Jedi have to be in tune with their emotions, the Living Force, and balance. In contrast, creating a lighting strike requires a strong outburst of rage, wrath, and anger.

These emotions hardly sit well with the Jedi!

The Code requires one to let go of one’s emotions instead of using them. It is the direct opposite of what a lighting strike demands.

The Jedi can still summon an Emerald Lighting, yet the former is fueled by a “sense of determined justice.”

“Emerald Lightning — A technique in which a Jedi can spray electric bolts of variable intensity from the hands and fingers. This technique is closely related to the dark side power of Sith Lightning, but it springs from a sense of determined justice and has been studied by some Masters under controlled conditions. Its energies can also be contained in a ball of pure kinetic force known as a kinetite.”

“Vader exhibited this power on Mimban. — Luke”

From The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force by Daniel Wallace

Since the source of this power borders the Dark Side, it was used only by some Masters.

Intent and Malice

Compassion is a big part of being a Jedi. It is one of the only few “emotions” actively encouraged by the Jedi Council.

In contrast, to summon a traditional Force Lighting, one needs access to more malicious and raw emotions.

Force Lighting is often used to obliterate one’s opponents. It burns flesh, destroys the human body, and causes excruciating pain.

The Jedi always try to find less violent ways to defeat their opponents. They would absolutely not be open to torture or such a brutal fight. At the end of the day, evil intent is what makes Force Lighting a Sith technique.

Lastly, the Jedi also feared the Dark Side techniques as they are harmful to the user and the victim alike.

Credit to Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

Dark Side corrupts, destroys, and seduces to overuse power. As such, using Force Lighting could corrupt a Jedi and seduce them to fall.


Force Lighting can’t be sorted as a purely Dark Side power. As such, some beloved Jedi Masters, including Master Yoda and Plo Koon, used it during battles.

This is similar to how some Jedi used red lightsabers, even if it wasn’t really the Jedi way.

That said, even “Light” variations of this Force technique were forbidden by the Jedi Order

From this, the conclusion is very simple. Emerald Lightning and Electric Judgment were slightly modified versions of Force Lighting. However, they were frowned upon and even prohibited.

Theoretically, some Jedi do have enough power to wield a lightning strike. It doesn’t mean that they are allowed to. Such power would require a solid connection to emotions like anger. 

Thus, Force Lighting is a possibility, yet not the Jedi way.

Some Sith didn’t seem to use Force Lightning like Maul and Vader, which you can find out more here.

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Dasha Shareyko

I started writing five years ago and never looked back. I am here to talk about all things pop culture and chase my passion for professional writing. Fun facts: I also can dive up to 40 meters, drink 5 cups of coffee a day and spend hundreds of dollars on merch.

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