Dark Side Of The Force vs Light Side – What’s The Difference?

Wielders of the Force in the Star Wars franchise are usually split between the Light and Dark Sides. There are, of course, rare exceptions and new developments, including the notion of Grey Jedi

Exceptions aside, Force is one of the most predominant concepts developed by George Lucas. At its core, metaphysical energy connects all the living things in the galaxy. 

Force users have immense access to incredible powers. As such, that power is not given for free and Force-sensitive beings are often asked to make a choice.

Do they want to follow the Light Side of the Force or succumb themselves to the Darkness?

I would be foolish to deny that each side has distinct advantages and specific appeals

Which side, however, is the strongest? 

Let’s answer this question by analysing the Jedi and the Sith teachings, their beliefs, and their unique powers. 

What’s the Difference Between the Dark and Light Sides of the Force?

To understand the difference between the Dark and the Light Sides, we first have to learn more about the Force itself. 

As mentioned in the introduction, the Force is a power or energy that connects everything within the Star Wars universe. All the living things are connected to the Force, yet only specific individuals can sense and use this power. These people are called Force-sensitive or Force users, depending on the concentration of midi-chlorians in their blood. 

I know midi-chlorians are still controversial, yet they are canon!


The franchise is also primarily based upon a constant conflict between the Dark and the Light. The source of such conflict comes directly from the choice between two sides of the Force and two distinct groups wielding this power.

We have the Jedi who follow the Light Side and live in peace with a Force. However, we also have the Sith, Dark Side users often portrayed as villains of the story.

Both of these groups might have had a single origin, yet they often go toe to toe, comparing their skills and showing off during the duels. This is how we can also tell that the Dark Side and the Light Side have unique powers, depending on the user and their relationship with the Force.

Teachings and the Code

One of the first significant differences that contrast the Light against the Dark is the Code of the Jedi and the Sith.

The Jedi believe that they have to follow the will of the Force. They are also detached from certain emotions, whether positive or negative, yet Lightsiders are encouraged to love in a pure way that doesn’t involve jealousy or obsessive behaviour. 

Moreover, the Jedi teachings highlight the importance of compassion and helping those in need

Jedi Code Mantra

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

— Credit to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force by Daniel Wallace

The principles of the Jedi Code guide not only their meditations but interactions with every single being. It essentially reaffirms the Jedi to act with purity whilst following the will of the Force.  

They should never be taken apart by fear as it is a direct path to the Dark Side. A good Jedi should also be able to let go of people or possessions and accept that everything comes to an end. 

The failure to learn this lesson was a significant reason why Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side! Along with the negligence of the Jedi Council…

Interestingly enough, the Sith were originally a group of Dark Jedi. They left the Jedi Order during the First Great Schism on Tython. Only later have they written a new Sith Code and fully succumbed to the Dark Side. It was then that the Dark Jedi became the “Sith.”

From the start, the Sith used their abilities to service hatred and greed. They were not willing to serve those in need or the Galactic Republic

Relationships With the Force

The Jedi are meant to serve not just some but everyone. In contrast, the Sith are driven by greed and obsession with power. They are selfish and take without giving back. 

Dark Siders don’t want to indulge in passive acceptance of limitations. They don’t believe in peace, serenity, and harmony. Instead, they think these notions will only restrain them from reaching their full potential

Code of the Sith

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.

— Credit to Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

The Sith believe that the Force can give beings unlimited power. Naturally, that power comes directly from one’s feelings, including aggression, desire, hatred, and a large spectrum of other negative emotions

This is why the Sith are taught to use these emotions in the fight. 

Lastly, the Sith don’t simply collaborate with the Force. They constantly push and pull it. This group is driven by conflict with not only themselves but the universe at hand. 

They bend the Force as if this power was only their to be wielded!

The Jedi are direct opposites. As mentioned before, they are not controlled by their emotions. They don’t allow themselves to be controlled by fear or hatred. Instead, they follow the will over the Force without bending it. Their teachings allow them to take only what’s given and only when necessary.

This is why resorting to power for simple tasks like lifting objects would be considered inappropriate use of Force (Right, Anakin?).

Seduction of the Dark Side

The Jedi Padawan are often warned of the temptation of the Dark Side. Many claim it is a missing piece that can be used for good. Perhaps, there is merit to this claim, yet I will return to this point later. 

In truth, the Dark Side is often compared to a sticky and slimy substance that will instantly trap and drown you if you even come close to accepting it. 

It constantly promises power and resources beyond imaginable, yet lies!

Which is More Powerful: The Dark or Light Side of the Force?

Both sides have many unique powers. To name all of them, we would probably spend the whole day together. Thus, I will be brief, mentioning only some of them. 

Dark Side Powers

Three schools of the Force allow people to channel the Dark Side: Offence, Body, and Mind. 

Studying the three of them and applying them during the fight is advised! 

The Offence school is mainly focused on lightsaber combat and additions to it. Here I can add a Force push, a traditional Force choke (beloved by Darth Vader), and less-known techniques.

Inertia, for example, allows the sift to amplify their body momentum and use the Force to surprise the enemy. The Sith could also use the Force to blind their enemies or throw them off their feet.

The second school can teach to use a signature Force Lightning. It is a power prohibited by the Jedi and deemed too dangerous. Interestingly, the Sith also learned to syphon the Force from other living beings or transform energy into flames.

Credit to Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace

Finally, the third school focuses on mind techniques. It allows the Dark users to share thoughts, manipulate others, and inflict physical pain through mental intrusion. A variation of such a technique we saw several times. For example, both Darth Vader and Kylo Ren used the Force to get past the mental shields of their enemies and find needed information. 

This power doesn’t come without consequences or a price! 

Dark users were quick to lose themselves in their quest to become even stronger than they were. 

I trust Master Yoda‘s words here:

Luke Skywalker: Is the Dark Side stronger?

Yoda: No, no. No. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

— Credit to Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

Light Side Powers

The Light Side of the Force is not as colourful when it comes to abilities. Most Dark Side powers are forbidden, and the Jedi are not allowed to summon the Force Lightning

However, the Light Sides can still amplify their power through the Force and become much quicker than normal humans. They can also sense the presence of other Force sensitives and manipulate a person’s mind if it is weak enough. 

We also saw multiple times how they could lift objects or even people. However, a line cannot be crossed between lifting a person and choking them.

You know who I am talking about… Our poor Chosen One.


In relatively rare cases, the Jedi were also able to develop unique powers. Anakin Skywalker here is an excellent example as he had prophetic dreams.

Some Jedi could use the unifying Force and become Jedi healers. This, however, would require thorough concentration, talent and proper studying. 

Unlike the Dark, the Light Side requires training and years of hard work. Once again, I can quickly bring up Anakin Skywalker. He fell to the Dark Side of the Force, although his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was still able to defeat him. It is because one became powerful quickly, and the other, even if less gifted in the Force, spent decades perfecting his skills. 


The Jedi also have other advantages like Force ghosts. The Sith are not able to maintain their forms after their death. The Jedi, however, serve the Force and not greedily take from it. Naturally, they are rewarded for such devotion

Grey Jedi

I promised to return to Grey Jedi‘s point later, and it is a perfect time to do so. Arguably, some of the best practitioners of the Force are actually those who use both sides. 

They’re not limited by the Light Side or the Dark Side!

Revan is the best example of my argument here, even if he was not necessarily a Grey Jedi. He was praised by both the Jedi and the Sith. 

While he may not have been the Chosen One, he outmatched the Sith and the Jedi due to  his balance and ability to maximise power.

Mace Windu is close behind, in a certain sense. He constantly walked the line between the Force’s Dark and the Light Sides whilst remaining a Jedi. He even developed his Lightsaber technique to channel his emotions during the fights.


His purple Lightsaber is also a good indication…

Final Verdict

Overall, I think it is impossible to pinpoint which side is stronger or better.

As Grand Master Yoda has stated, the Dark Side is easier. It is much easier to fall than resist the urge to succumb to the power. Truly, Dark users technically have more unique abilities, and they often gain the upper hand. However, they are also driven by strong emotions that can blind them during the duel. 

When comparing the Light and Dark Sides, it becomes clear that the Grey Jedi have the most potential. Using both sides’ advantages, one can become more powerful than ever.

Strengths1. Reject emotions
2. Remain calculated during battles
3. Can rely on other Jedi
4. Can maintain their form after death
1. Have access to Force Lightning, mind probing and other unique techniques
2. Are not bound by compassion or service to the Force or people
3. Take without giving back
4. Force used for offence
Weaknesses1. Less unique powers
2. Bound by the Code
3. Vulnerable to the call of the Dark Side when it clouds their senses
4. Force used mainly for defence
1. Poor decision making
2. Driven by emotions
3. Unable to trust
4. Can be outsmarted and blinded by their power

As such, here’s my verdict: The Dark Side is more powerful, yet it is not superior. It has advantages regarding raw power, yet the former can easily cloud one’s judgement. 

Objectively and ignoring the practitioners’ deeds, one is not better than the other!

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Dasha Shareyko

I started writing five years ago and never looked back. I am here to talk about all things pop culture and chase my passion for professional writing. Fun facts: I also can dive up to 40 meters, drink 5 cups of coffee a day and spend hundreds of dollars on merch.

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