Can Bail Organa Be Considered A King? (Explained)

Bail Organa is a highly respected and important figure within the Senate and the Rebellion. Serving as the First Chairman of the Alderaanian monarchy, and possessing the title of Viceroy, Organa wielded significant power both in his homeworld and the galactic government.

As the senator of Alderaan, Organa was an outspoken member of the senate’s Loyalist Committee that pushed to maintain the ideals of the Republic during the Clone Wars, leading to his emergence as the architect of the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.

However, although Bail Organa’s power seemed like that of a king, he did not hold the official title, giving rise to many theories on the extent of his power.

Here’s what you need to know about Bail Organa’s status in the Star Wars Universe.

How Powerful Is Bail Organa?

Bail Organa was a celebrated and beloved hero of the New Republic with unrivalled leadership abilities. 

Because of these abilities he was able to become a powerful figure both in philosophy and politics on Alderaan, resulting in a 70-metre high statue of him being erected in the senatorial complex in Republic City on Hosnian Prime

However, his power extended further than public popularity; his close alliance with the Jedi following his adoption of Leia granted him and his family great protection. 

This made him a highly powerful figure not just on Alderaan but also in galactic affairs.

In light of all of this, can Bail Organa be considered a king?

Is Bail Organa Considered A King?

Technically, Bail Organa is not a King. 

Although he has great influence both on Alderaan and in galactic affairs, Bail Organa does not hold the status of King but rather is a Prince. This is because the title of King can only be given to a monarch who inherits the throne and can reign, and Bail Organa married Queen Breha Organa thus marrying into the throne.

However, we later see that Leia Organa becomes Queen of Alderaan (following its destruction) and is established as a beloved leader by Alderaanians like Evaan Verlaine.

This is foreshadowed in “Leia, Princess of Alderaan”, where the Heir’s Crown was presented to Leia to make her eligible to inherit the throne.

This would suggest that although technically Bail Organa was not the King of Alderaan, there is room to argue that perhaps he was seen as one by the people of Alderaan and by those in the Republic.

However, that does not mean that Bail Organa was not a King in a range of different senses.

The Alliance To Restore The Republic

The Alliance To Restore The Republic was a rebel movement orchestrated, funded and created by Bail Organa to oppose the reign of the Empire.

The alliance was formed from a less organised movement to oppose the Empire that was also created by Bail Organa. His political power and strength in these organisations could provide the argument that Bail Organa was the King of the resistance, marking the first time anyone had formally opposed the Empire.

Bail Organa’s Resistance Movement

As aforementioned, during the early days of the Empire, a resistance movement was created by Bail Organa. 

Using the power and wealth that Alderaan held, including Organa’s personal royal fortunes, he provided weapons, firepower and protection to similarly-minded rebels to oppose the Empire. He also monitored the Empire’s reports of rebellious and insurgent activity to actively recruit new cells to his organisation, holding some under his personal command while others were merely allies who lent their support.

Due to his position as Prince, Bail Organa was able to call upon the Alderaan military forces to raise a fleet of starships when support was needed. This would all lean towards the idea that Bail Organa was the King of the resistance, wielding total control and power.

Alderaan Military Control

The Alderaan military was the armed forces on the planet Alderaan, dissolved in 0 BBY following the destruction of Alderaan by the Empire. Before this, Bail Organa frequently called upon their forces and starships to aid the rebellions that he controlled.

For example, the Alliance to Restore the Republic took most of their inspirations and support from the Alderaan military and their traditions. 

This would also demonstrate Bail Organa’s power to a King-like status.

You can find out if Bail knew if Anakin was the father of Leia here.

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