Is Being Force-Sensitive REALLY A Good Thing?

The Force is one of the greatest mysteries in the Star Wars universe. The majority of our favourite antagonists, in one way or another, usually end up being Force users. The universe consists of many powerful and unique beings. We keep seeing characters from the Sith Lords to peacekeepers like Jedi.

Naturally, many want to know what it’s like to be Force-sensitive. The difference is great between the early days of the Empire or prosperity of the Republic.

Today I will mention some of the advantages and disadvantages of being Force-sensitive.

Is it really worth it? Let’s find out together.

Pros of being Force-sensitive

Let’s start with the positive aspect. After all, the Force is an incredible power that can assist one in many ventures. 


Power is the obvious first advantage of being Force-sensitive. Remember that being Force-sensitive doesn’t mean being a Force user

You can be Force-sensitive without having all the true power that some Jedi and others own. To use the Force, all beings have to train tirelessly for years

All the same, even some Force-sensitive children have a certain upper hand. They might have fast reflexes and abilities to predict events. Such children might also have the power of telekinesis and similar tricks. 

As such, the actual power only comes to Force users. These are the beings trained by different groups to master the power of the Force. 

Telekinesis is one of the most famous tricks mastered by the Jedi and Sith. They can also manipulate people, change their emotions, and use even more extreme tricks.

Some Force-users can summon Force Lightning; others can manipulate the weather (Alter Environment). All the same, the more unique powers are not confirmed in canon.  

Still, having all these different tricks is definitely one of the greatest advantages of the Force. 

Sense of Greater Purpose 

Since we already know the difference between Force-sensitive beings and Force users. Many Force-sensitive children who are discovered by the Jedi or even the Sith are given purpose in life.

That purpose can be different, depending on the group that discovered certain Force-sensitive. Even apart from saving the world, Force users are connected to the greatest power in the world. 

This means they are very in tune with the universe around them, and some swear to follow the will of the Force

If following the will of the Force isn’t considered to be a great purpose, then I don’t know what is!

Having Support

Discovered Force-sensitives are taught to use their power. The case is very different for those who never left their home planet. Still, I’ll get to this point later.

When Force-sensitive children are brought to a temple, they get the support of trained masters. It doesn’t matter whether the master is a Jedi, a Sith, or even a Nightsister.

Force-sensitive beings will still be offered help in understanding their power. This also means that they will always have someone by their size, at least in some capacity. 

In some cases, like Anakin‘s, that support is questionable

Still, it is better to have someone near you than to live alone without understanding your power!

Cons of being Force-sensitive

Now, I can finally get to some of the disadvantages of being Force-sensitive. If you were wondering if they’re awesome, there are plenty of them. So let’s get started. 

Being Away From One’s Family

The first thing not everyone realises is the loneliness that connects Force-users. Here I am talking about Force users. Force-sensitive children are also often placed on the outskirts of society. Interestingly enough, some certain nations and planets think that Force-sensitive beings are witches. They can be persecuted as demonic magicians

Thus, not everyone survives having a connection to the Force. I’ll get to this point later. 

Let’s pretend the Jedi or another group noticed a Force-sensitive child. They will be immediately taken away from their family without an opportunity to go back. If the family agrees… The Sith might be different as they don’t always take children. All the same, the premise remains the same. 

If one wants to become a Force user, one will have to say goodbye to everything, and everyone one loves. 

It seems like with great power comes a great price!

Anakin, for example, was never able to come back home to see his mother. He was still a small kid; if things had turned out differently, he could have saved her.

Ahsoka, along with other younglings and even Obi-Wan, don’t remember much about their parents. Obi-Wan remembered the tiniest details but not actual descriptions.


Being Force-sensitive is dangerous. The first danger actually comes from the locals around a Force-sensitive child. 

As I have mentioned before, some cultures burned Force-sensitive beings like witches. They were misunderstood and hated for having this mystical connection to power. 

Not everyone made it to be a teenager or an adult! 

Moreover, Force-sensitive beings are dangerous to themselves and the people around them. Not having full control over one’s power can lead to drastic consequences. Rey might be the best example here. She only discovered the true level of power she possessed. Since she was poorly trained and her power wasn’t controlled, she blew up the ship with the Force Lightning

Good thing that Chewbacca wasn’t there!

Let’s not talk about the pilots and the crew on that ship…

In the Empire, being Force-sensitive also meant that one would be hunted down. Thus, one couldn’t train and control their power. The chances of someone noticing one’s power were great without training. Cal Kestis was discovered faster than he could rethink saving his friends with the Force.

The Empire quickly learned to use spies and drones to seek out gifted beings!

Finally, the Jedi were also thrown in to support the war efforts. Thousands of them died during the Clone Wars, and no one even batted an eye. 

A grim prospect to be the Jedi in the final years of the Galactic Senate. 


Having power always comes with responsibility and a great price to pay. The same goes for being Force-sensitive in the Star Wars universe. 

If one was lucky, they would be discovered by the Jedi and taught how to handle their power. Not to say there was no danger of being a Jedi, but it was still a much better option. 

Living on your own as a Force-sensitive is a death sentence. One could have been burnt or sold on the black market. Such beings would also endanger those around them and themselves. 

Is power worth it? 

I will say that being Force-sensitive would be terrifying. All the same, wielding the Force has pros to overweight the cons.

You can find out more about Force-sensitivity in this guide here.

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Dasha Shareyko

I started writing five years ago and never looked back. I am here to talk about all things pop culture and chase my passion for professional writing. Fun facts: I also can dive up to 40 meters, drink 5 cups of coffee a day and spend hundreds of dollars on merch.

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