The Ultimate Guide To Force-Sensitivity In Star Wars

The Force is an ultimate power that connects all the living beings in the Star Wars universe. It is the essence and the core of this franchise. Overall, most conflicts and plots usually revolve around the clash between the Force’s Dark and the Light sides. 

We also distinguish between the Jedi and the Sith who are present on both sides. All the same, people are not born to be heroes or villains. Those who become representatives of these two groups are originally called Force sensitive. 

They can perceive a power beyond a mundane understanding of this world. Later, they can use this power and train to gain unique skills

All the same, what is it like to be Force sensitive? Does it run in the family? Who can control the Force?

These are only some of the questions I will be answering today in the ultimate guide for Force-sensitive beings. 

Is being Force-sensitive rare?

Let’s start by defining Force sensitivity. Force-sensitive people are also known as Force users or Force wielders. They can be sentient or even non-sentient lifeforms who possess a strong connection with an energy known as the Force.

Credit to Star Wars: Destiny Way of the Force (Card: There Is No Try)

Some of them can harness the power from the Light side, and others do so with the Dark Side. Famous representatives are Anakin Skywalker, Ben Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, master Yoda, Mace Windu, and many others. 

Surprisingly enough, a vast area of research deals with this particular question. Even though we don’t have enough to go off, several numbers are thrown around. 

Mind that none of them were officially confirmed in canon!

This research estimated that there are 20 billion Force-sensitive individuals in the galaxy, which means that only around 5% of all people can control the Force. It is one in 5 million people. 

Not everyone can become a Jedi; the failure rate is also around 50%. That’s how the Jedi Order ended up with a few thousands of Jedi, instead of hundreds of thousands. 

Still, being Force-sensitive doesn’t mean that you can lift rocks or control minds!

If you were wondering how many Force users eventually become Sith or Jedi, the answer is around 1%. Interestingly enough, the conflict between the Sith and the Jedi eventually impacts the overall population of the Force sensitives

The percentage of Force-sensitive beings is rather high. It is much higher than one would expect after watching Star Wars. Therefore, I have yet another question. 

Why do the Jedi and the Sith have such low numbers and Force sensitivity is considered rare when, in reality, it isn’t?

The answer is very simple. The Jedi and Sith take their time identifying Force-sensitive children. They scout the planets in search of talented kids, a.k.a. younglings

A child can simply not show their talents in the Force when they are tested. You also have to understand that Force sensitivity is often connected to religion. The Jedi are a religious group in one way or another. Some planets view Force-sensitive children as witches. They can be persecuted as demonic magicians

Additionally, not all families want to give their children away to be trained. There is still a firm belief that the Jedi Order is kidnapping their recruits. It comes along with another myth claiming that the Jedi are brainwashers

I can’t say that I disagree with that considering the example of Anakin Skywalker himself….

In any case, Force-sensitive children are not necessarily rare. It is highly trained and well-versed adults who are rare. 

Even if you are born Force-sensitive, the chances of being accepted to the Jedi Order, not being burned as a witch, or embracing the Force are quite low

Is being Force-sensitive genetic?

We don’t have any scientific information to confirm or deny that Force sensitivity runs in the family.

Our first argument for this theory comes from the Skywalker family. Everyone from Anakin Skywalker‘s lineage, including Luke, Leia, and Ben Solo, was Force sensitive. 

All the same, Anakin Skywalker is a unique case because he is the Chosen One. His father might have been the Force itself…

Considering what I know about Anakin Skywalker, I can still conclude that Force sensitivity is a heritage. It can be passed from parent to child. It doesn’t depend on whether on a male or a female line. The precise mechanism behind it is not known. 

Not to mention that the case with midi-chlorians is oftentimes criticised. There are some forfeited parents who can bear a child who cannot use the Force (Tigris).

It’s all the will of the Force!

I can also compare this particular characteristic with X-Men. Force might as well work as a mutation. Completely at random.

Here, I can bring up the Dorsks. They are the only Force sensitive beings amongst the Khommite population. The overall population is around 500 million. Thus, if Dorsk 81 is the only Force sensitive of his generation, I must think of the Force as mutation

I also can’t talk about Force powers without thinking about prophecies and the will of the Force. The Force itself functions in quite intriguing ways. As if it chooses who can wield this immense power. Some might say that certain individuals are chosen because of their future destinies. It is up to you whether you’d like to believe in this or not. 

The prophecy of the Chosen One is the best example here!

Can a non-Force-sensitive become Force-sensitive?

I would be more inclined to a negative answer. It is widely accepted that children are already born Force sensitive. Some of them can develop this particular power when they are very very young. All the same, as the Jedi Order states, not everyone is easily discovered. Sometimes these types of powers are uncovered due to traumatic events

Rey never knew she was Force sensitive until she was forced to meet her destiny. Others like Cal Kestis also suppress their powers to hide away from the Empire

Here’s the final answer. The account of midi-chlorians is determined upon your birth. Whether you like midi-chlorians or you don’t, it is canon now. 

The canon answer would be “no.” 

All the same, we have extra materials discussing ancient rituals and powerful artefacts. Some of them can indeed give a person the Force. 

The Mask of Darth Nihilus and the Scepter of Ragnos are good examples.

Besides, in The Mandalorian, the scientists experimented with Grogu. It doesn’t mean that they were able to create Force-sensitive beings, but they surely had a similar goal in mind.

Can any species be Force-sensitive?

The natural rate of Force sensitivity varies depending on the species. Some cannot will the Force like Killiks. Their percentage is as close to zero as possible. This is quite interesting because they are still sentient creatures. Still, we never had an answer to why they could not use the Force.

Credit to Han Solo 1

On the other hand, if you trust a Star Wars archive, there is evidence to suggest that some Force sensitivity was still found in these species. 

It was an extremely rare case!

I will settle by saying that all species can use the Force. Some simply produce lower numbers. I can easily name Wookiees, Jawas, Hutts, and Caamasi.

After all, the Force is mainly based on randomness and luck

Why would this infinite power skip a particular species altogether?

Are some species more Force-sensitive?

Even though Force powers are normally random, I have to admit that there is some biology that I don’t understand.

There are certain species that are more Force sensitive or even 100% Force sensitive. Miraluka and Vahla are very good examples. Every single representative of these species can wield the power of the Force. 

Humans, Kel Dors, Ithorians, Twi’leks, Zabraks, Nautolans, and even the rare Duinuogwuins can also be included in this list of more gifted beings

Besides, the population of Force-sensitive beings also depends on the planet. There are examples like Dathomir and Kesh, where the rates were highly inflated.

If you haven’t heard of Kesh, it’s more than understandable. The Lost Tribe of the Sith once occupied it. They trained practically every single Force sensitive on that particular planet. Doesn’t that mean that every single person could use the Force? No. All the same, the Sith extended their efforts to identify as many individuals as possible. That also explains why the rates were much higher than normal. 

There is also a species that we associate with Master Yoda and Grogu. Even though we don’t necessarily know their name, we know that these particular species are incredibly rare. 

Some may even speculate that Yoda and Grogu were born out of pure Force. I can only hope that the mystery of Grogu will be explored in the new season of The Mandalorian

Fun fact: some Star Wars fans call these species ‘Tridactyl’ because of their three fingers


Being Force-sensitive is not necessarily rare. All the same, not everyone is discovered, and not everyone learns to control their power. 

Moreover, if you suddenly appeared in the Star Wars universe, you would not likely get extra powers. Midi-chlorians are established at birth, and it is almost impossible to gain this power. 

As for who gets the Force, the answer is not simple. It can either be a heritage or a mutation. There were quite a few cases of both of these phenomena. You should also account for the will of the Force.

Still, some species are luckier than most when it comes to the power they possess.

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Dasha Shareyko

I started writing five years ago and never looked back. I am here to talk about all things pop culture and chase my passion for professional writing. Fun facts: I also can dive up to 40 meters, drink 5 cups of coffee a day and spend hundreds of dollars on merch.

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