4 Reasons WHY The Trade Federation Worked With Sidious

In Episode I, the Trade Federation was working closely with Darth Sidious.

How did this relationship come to be, and why did the Trade Federation want to work with him?

The relationship between Darth Sidious and the Trade Federation started long ago when The Sith Lord puppeteered Nute Gunray’s rise to power. Sidious promised the Neomidians even more money and power for their services, which aligned with their interests and beliefs. However, they also did not know that Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sidious were the same people

Here’s what you need to know:

Why did the Trade Federation work with Darth Sidious?

Here are 4 reasons why the Trade Federation work with Darth Sidious:

  • Darth Sidious engineered the rise to power of Gunray
  • The Sith promised the Federation power and money in return for accepting his orders
  • The Sith Lord instilled fear in members of the Trade Federation
  • Darth Sidious was well-connected in the Senate

#1 Darth Sidious engineered the rise to power of Gunray

The Trade Federation had an immense influence on Outer Rim Territories. This started before the High Republic Era when the Free Trade Zones were created. They were a means to an end for the lawless frontier that the Outer Rim was.

The Trade Federation and the Galactic Republic were locked in a power struggle, which continued for decades.

Both parties decided to hold the Eriadu Conference

This was the start of the Naboo crisis.

There was a successful assassination attempt on the Trade Federation directorate. Supreme Chancellor Valorum did survive the attempt on his life.

Darth Sidious backed the Neimiodians in their coup. Nute Gunray and Lott Dod were placed in high positions. Dod became the representative of the Federation in the Galactic Senate. Gunray was left with the title of Viceroy of the Trade Federation. They filled the whole organisation with like-minded allies.

Under their rule, the Trade Federation was granted a seat in the Senate.

The Trade Federation exploited the situation as a way to delay the help of Naboo.

Palpatine was extremely cunning, which was one of the reasons why he became so powerful.

#2 The Sith promised the Federation power and money in return for accepting his orders

Sidious ordered the Trade Federation to start manufacturing its own droid army.

The operation had to be established in the Kelux system. That was outside of the Galactic Republic’s jurisdiction. Yet, the facilities were attacked by pirates. 

Darth Sidious then sent his apprentice Darth Maul to help the Federation and its allies.

Shortly after, Viceroy Gunray oversaw the occupation of Naboo. 

Sheev Palpatine, secretly Darth Sidious, engineered the blockade. He used it as a way for him to become Supreme Chancellor.

#3 The Sith Lord instilled fear in members of the Trade Federation

The Neimoidians were so scared of Darth Sidious. The fear was so intense that they were ready to kill the Jedi negotiators sent by Supreme Chancellor Valorum.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had to find a way to stop the blockade of Naboo.

The fear was not enough to stop their greediness. The Sith Lord’s advice, connections and power were too juicy and they wanted access to them. The collaboration was profitable for both parties so it had no reason to stop.

And they were right to be afraid!  

The Separatist leaders were waiting for the apprentice of Darth Sidious. On Mustafar, they were expecting Darth Vader for further instructions. 

Sadly for them, that ended with a slaughter.


#4 Darth Sidious was well-connected in the Senate

The Neimoidians did not know that Darth Sidious is in fact Chancellor Palpatine of Naboo. 

Although, they did know he was well-connected in the Senate. 

After the blockade of Naboo Viceroy Gunray was arrested by Galactic Republic officials. However, the influence of Sidious on the Senate made it impossible for the Neimoidian to go to jail. 

The Trade Federation managed to maintain its monopoly in The Outer Rim. The sanctions enforced by the Senate proved to be ineffective and did not incur any significant consequences.

The battle droid operation on Geonosis continued producing units undercover. Count Dooku negotiated the deal for droid production to continue.


Darth Sidious and the Trade Federation were mutually beneficial for each other. The Trade Federation profited so much from their alliance they did not want to end it. 

Viceroy Gunray owed everything he had to Darth Sidious. This was a bond strengthened by fear of the future Emperor. Palpatine made it impossible for the Trade Federation to change its course of action.

The Federation had its reasons to continue with this partnership until the end. 

Only if they knew their ally is also the leader of their enemies…

They might have, at least, tried to break this relationship.

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